Thriving in the Research Community
Thriving in the Research Community
I’ve been working this past year as the graduate advisor for LCS (Latinxs in Computer Science) at UIUC. The main project I’ve been leading with LCS the Professional development & wellness colloquium. It is aimed at improving students’ general career and personal life. I believe that career development and well-being are strongly interrelated, especially after my lower back injury from 2018 that challenges me every day.
We had the honor to have as a speaker computer vision researcher Professor Derek Hoiem from Univeristy of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and share us his wisdom on how to thrive in the research community.
Hope you learn a lot from the talk, just as much as we did!
I will include the original description for the talk we had when we advertized the talk.
LCS - Thriving in the Research Community
LCS is excited to host professor Derek Hoiem to discuss how to thrive in the research community! Professor Hoeim has been part of the fantastic course offered by the CS department named “Improving your Research Skills” and he will share with us advice on how to improve ourselves during the research process. He will talk about, choosing projects, how to write good papers, how to grow and adapt in your career, advice at different stages in PhD process, advice if you getting stuck, general career advice and more! Great opportunity to improve your research skills and get direct advice from a great professor in the CS department! Join us Tuesday Nov 17th 2020 4pm-4:30pm + 15 minutes questions. Zoom link: password: LCS facebook event: Bio: Derek Hoiem is an associate professor Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, since January 2009. Derek received his PhD in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University in 2007 and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Beckman Institute in 2008. Derek’s primary research goal is to model the physical and semantic structure of the world, so computers can better understand scenes from images. In particular, he researches algorithms to interpret physical space from images and to relate objects to their environment and to each other. Example applications include creating 3D models of scenes and objects from one image, photorealistic rendering of object models into images, robot navigation, and creating and matching as-built 3D models of construction scenes to planned models. Derek has published dozens of papers and several patents, and his work has been recognized with awards including an ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award honorable mention, CVPR best paper award, Intel Early Career Faculty award, Sloan Fellowship, and PAMI Significant Young Researcher award. Derek Hoiem is also co-founder and CTO of Reconstruct, which visually documents construction sites, matching images to plans and analyzing productivity and risk for delay.
I also uploaded the talk to my personal youtube channel.
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